NatuurKracht Life Coach

Ervaar de Transformatieve Kracht van Etherische Olie

Etherische olie… De pure Kracht van de Natuur.

Leer hoe je emotioneel trauma transformeert en omarm positieve energie door de support van etherische oliën.

Nog steeds geniet ik er dagelijks van dat we over zulke simpele en natuurlijke methodes kunnen beschikken om onszelf te helen.

Etherische olie zijn echt te gebruiken voor alles:

Lichamelijke wonden of ongemak, ondersteuning immuunsysteem, herstel van de verschillende lichaams systemen; endocriene, hormoon, zenuw, bloedsomloop, spijsvertering, ademhaling, ect.

Maar ook om focus of helderheid te stimuleren, of jezelf te beschermen als je sensitief bent of je emoties te ondersteunen….Echt, de mogelijkheden zijn eindeloos, depressie, adhd, ptsd, autisme ga maar door. 

I am fabulous

Deze workshop en methode gaat erover hoe je kunt leren om emotioneel trauma, of onbalans, te transformeren en de positieve support  van etherische olie toe te passen.

Enorm belangrijk hierin is dat we gebruik maken van echt 100% pure olie. We worden al genoeg blootgesteld aan allerlei toxische producten en omstandigheden, dus laten we aub goede, natuurlijke en pure producten gebruiken. De ethersiche olie van doTerra heeft een CPTG keurmerk, Certified Pure Tested Grade, en is daarin marktleider. Om die reden werk ik alleen met deze hoogwaardige olie.

Deze dag is een dag van doorbraken en de volgende onderwerpen komen aan bod:

  • Opschonen van je energieveld
  • Doorbreken van mentale blokkades
  • Vergeving
  • Vrijgeven van trauma
  • Vrijgeven van schaamte
  • Jezelf manifesteren

In deel twee van de workshop heb je de gelegenheid om zelf flesjes te vullen en krijg je meer uitleg over het  transformatie proces middels de volgende mixen.

Eerste 2 tot 4 weken: Release your fears of Bye Bye Baggage

Volgende 2 tot 4 weken: I love myself of Sooth the Soul

Volgende 2 tot 4 weken: I am Free of On my Path

Volgende 2 tot 4 weken: I am Fabulous

Volgende 2 tot 4 weken: Manifestor’s mix of Momentum


Hoe pas ik dit toe? Waarom werkt dit?

De auteur en alchemist van deze specifieke protocollen is Desiree Mangandog. Graag geef ik deze methode door voor wie er baat bij heeft. Hieronder nog verdere specifieke info betreft elk protocol.

Release your fears:  is designed for the individual who is paralyzed by many fears. You may have difficulty moving forward and embrace change. These fears are not logical and may have been ingraned from a childhood trauma. Even being made fun of in school can create disatrous effects in adult life. All these fears can prevent you from living your life fully and walking into your light. Of course these fears are all based on lies, and this blend will break the pattern of feeling stuck. Telling yourself to stop being afraid wil not break the pattern. It is an energetic vibration that has been trapped in your soul. Using Realease Your Fears will shift that energetic pattern and transform it to a higher vibration.

Bye Bye Baggage: assists you in releasing any kind of toxic people, places, or circumstances from your life. Generally we know what and who are healthy and nourishing to our lives. However, often we can become addicted to what is unhealthy for us. This blend will help you identify  the negative baggage in your world and create a desire to shed all that baggage, for good! This is a very transformative blend that helps you transition into a new way of being.

I Love Myself: is used when you have a low self-esteem and have feelings of worthlesness. This blend will help you beging to feel valuable and cherished. You matter. You are created with love and here for a reason. Daily application of I Love Myself will increase your self-confidence. You will also start to take steps in self-care. This includes proper rest, time for meditation, eating healthy, moving your body, pampering activities like pedicures, and anything that shows you are loving yourself. It is the little things that matter. You may not do everything listed, but you will begin to do some of them as you use this blend.

Soothe the Soul; is used when your spirit is exhausted and has endured severe hardship. This blend is appropiate for circumstances such as leaving a job, enduring difficulty in close relationships, facing legal battles, moving, or working on challenging projects/tests at school or work. It will give you the strenght to cross the finish line with grace and ease.

Soothe the Sould is used any time you need to take a deep breath and let out a big sigh. A positive side efftect is better breathing patterns. Most individuals do not know to breath properly. Cederwood and Siberian Fir are excellent oils to strenghten the lungs and assist in deeper diaphragmatic breadths.

This blend is also great for those who are chronically stressed about something. Regulare use of Sothe the Soul will provide a deep sence of peace and calm.

I am Free; is a blend that reminds you of the liberty that is yours. This blend is great for those who feel trapped in their life circumstances and can’t see a way out. Using this blend regularly will help you see that you are free to choose a different path, and indeed, there are many options. As humans, we are all free. The lie is the perception that we are stuck and have no other choices.

On My Path; is used when you are on the journey to discover your deepest purpoise in life. It’s a blend of self-discovery. In our lfast-paced, technology-obsessed society, many people rarely take the time to just sit and listen to their own voice. On My Path will provide moments to connect with your higher power and your deepest self. This is an excellent blend to apply before prayer/meditation.

I am Fabulous; is the signature blend for this workshop! It brings strong feelings of self-confidence and excitement to the soul. You will feel invincible and believe that you can accomplish anything you put your mind to. I am Fabulous also helps you to see how exquisite and powerful you are. Every human being is created with extraordinary talent, and this blend will encourage you to embrace your giftst and share them with the world. This is the ultimate empowering blend, as well as a self-love blend.

Manifestor’s Blend; is for those of you who have many great ideas or glimpses of your highest potential, yet have not manifested them into your life. This blend will help take those ideas and make them real. Many creative people have this dilemma. They can imagine and picture something grand, but struggle to make it happen. Use Manifestor’s Blend if you are serious about making your dreams into reality.

Momentum; is used when you are about to embark on a new journey that requires significant effort to get going. This is compareable to the amount of energy required for a train to leave the station; there is a great push at first, but after awhile the train maintains high speeds with less effort.

Use Momentum in situations such as when you’re starting a new business or a new project, beginning to take care of your fysical health, entering into college, or something simular.

This blend will help you gracefully move into new beginnings and quickly get traction towards succes. The side effect is rapid expansion into yourself- meaning your giftst and talents will expand at an astronomical rate. You should use this blend only when you are ready for increased activity and change.


Regelmatig host ik een workshop over de I am fabulous methode. Check de agenda om de volgende data te zien en geef je op om deel te nemen.

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